Hach's Answers to Wastewater Challenges.
Part V: Phosphorus Treatment Optimization
Tue, Dec 13, 2022 10:00 AM CET
This is the fifth installment of our webinar series around wastewater challenges.
After addressing the challenges of sludge handling, effluent monitoring and basic parameters, we will now address phosphorus removal.
In the current context of increasing reagent costs and limited availability of these reagents because of the energy crisis, optimizing coagulant dosing for phosphorus removal is key.
In addition to the above issue, discharge consents for nutrients, particularly phosphorus, are becoming increasingly stringent. Therefore, real-time monitoring of facilities is becoming more and more necessary.
How can we guarantee efficient phopshorus removal while optimizing plant operational costs?
Our experts will present Hach's innovations to ensure compliance and reduce operating costs during an online webinar.
Duration:1 hour
Learning Objectives
Discover, through case studies, how online measurement of orthophosphates and/or total phosphorus, combined with Hach®'s digital solutions, can optimize phosphorus treatment, regardless of the site configuration: