Upgrade to Hach's 2nd Generation LDO Sensor (LDO Model 2)
Most LDO® customers have traded-in their first generation LDO sensors for the new and improved LDO Model 2. Don’t miss out! Use this Hach® price discount to upgrade your LDO sensors and first generation LDO/SC100 controller systems today!
- Improved measurement accuracy, no drift
- No calibration required
- Replace the sensor cap at the touch of a button
- Longer sensor cap warranty (2 year)
- Virtually zero maintenance… clean occasionally
- Use PrognosysTM to track cleaning cycles with SC1000 controller
- Fully expandable, upgradable SC200 / SC1000 controller systems
- 20% discount on LDO Model 2 with replacement of first generation LDO1 sensor
- 20% discount on SC200 or SC1000 controllers with replacement of an SC100 controller and an LDO1 sensor
- 5% discount on 2 year Field Service Partnership for new LDO and SC200 / SC1000 controller systems
Fill out the form to speak with a Hach customer service representative about replacing your first generation LDO sensors and LDO / SC100 systems today!