The Phosphorus Challenge – Meeting AMP7 Requirements
and Deadlines
Thu, Sep 21, 2023 10:00 AM BST
AMP7 is a very ambitious five year program (2020 – 2025) for the English and Welsh water industry, which will be seamlessly continued by AMP8.
Ever-tightening budgets and compliance limits leave little room for error. Thankfully, technology enables us to do more with less!
As the deadline for meeting the AMP7 requirements approaches this webinar will focus on Phosphorus as one of the key parameters.
Join us to learn more about how water companies can meet stricter new WINEP consents for Phosphorus while minimising capital costs.
Duration: 45 minutes.
James Davie has been working for Hach for over 16 years in a variety of roles from field service engineer through to Global Product Manager for Controllers
Richard Addison has over 30 years’ experience in the water industry in client facing, process science and engineering and operational management positions.
The webinar is free to join. Use this opportunity to share knowledge with minimal impact on your busy schedule. The presentation will be approximately 30 minutes, followed by a Q&A session.
Not able to join the webinar on the day?
Don’t worry! After you register for the live event, you will receive a link that provides you with access to the recorded webcast and additional resources.