Direct Insight Into Your Cooling Water: Understanding Corrosion & Extending Asset Life

Wed, Jul 28, 2021 11:00 AM MST


Let’s explore your challenges in cooling water and how utilizing direct parameter monitoring versus surrogate measurements can have a positive impact on your process. New techniques for online monitoring now exist and our experts will provide you with the technical details behind these methods and highlight their importance so you can have improved visibility that helps to extend asset life, minimize unplanned downtime, and protect production rates.

Learning Objectives

  • Breakdown your plant in terms of water cycles and focus on implications in the cooling water cycle
  • Review the cooling water triangle and better understand the three primary areas that effective water treatment programs are designed to control: deposition, biofouling, corrosion
  • Learn the key parameters to monitor in cooling water to protect your capital assets and optimize plant cooling systems
  • Understand chloride stress corrosion cracking and how this can be used to protect stainless steel heat exchangers


Direct Insight Into Your Cooling Water: Understanding
Corrosion & Extending Asset Life

Wed, Jul 28, 2021 11:00 AM MST

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